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PhD in Sociology


  • 全日制学制:
  • 专业方向:
  • 非全日制:
  • 学位名称:
  • 学位类型:
  • 学位等级:
  • 专业简称:
  • 开学时间:
  • 减免学分:
  • 开学时间:
  • 申请截止时间:
  • offer发放时间:
  • offer发放截止时间:
  • 申请费用:
  • 学费:
  • 书本费:
  • 生活费:
  • 交通费:
  • 住宿费用:
  • 其他费用:
  • 总花费:
  • 雅思成绩:
  • 雅思总分:
  • 托福成绩:
  • 托福总分:
Transcript: Submit unofficial transcripts from all previous institutions of higher learning attended (colleges and universities) through your online application. Official transcripts are not required during the application process. If accepted into the program, you will be asked to submit official transcript(s) and additional instructions will be provided at that time. Curriculum Vitae: Curriculum Vitae or Resume is required. Personal Statement: Statement of Purpose: Describe your academic and professional goals, and how your academic and personal experiences have prepared you for graduate study in sociology. (1-2 pages single-spaced.) Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation:(3 letters required. You can submit up to 5 letters.) Applicants will be asked to provide the current contact information of all recommenders who will then be automatically notified via email to submit their recommendation on-line through the MyGrad application system. We encourage you to contact your recommenders personally to make sure they received the email, as sometimes requests end up in spam folders. If your recommender did not receive the original request, go back into the online system and re-send your request to them. Please note the following: Our minimum requirement is 3 letters. You can have as many as 5 letters. We suggest you ask for at least 4 letters so that if someone doesn't follow through you are still meeting our minimum, especially if the admissions deadline is approaching and you still don't have all 3 letters submitted by your recommendation providers. Please have the letters submitted to the system by our deadline of December 1. It is in your best interest to use only the online process for your letters of recommendation as there is a very short questionnaire for the recommender, in addition to a place to upload the recommendation letter. We do not recommend using the regular postal mail option when designating your recommenders. If you have a person you would like to obtain a recommendation from for whom the online process will not work for one reason or another, contact the department for addditional instructions. Likewise, if you have a recommender who has tried, but is having trouble with the online system, please have them contact the department directly. Contact the department by emailing socadvis@u.washington.edu. Writing Sample: Writing Sample: A 5 to 15 page paper (double spaced) that demonstrates your ability to clearly analyze and write about a social scientific topic (broadly defined). Ideally you will submit a paper you have written for an academic course, though any work that reflects your analytic and written abilities is acceptable. Note that the 15 page limit does not include title pages and references.
学位要求:Bachelor 申请链接:https://soc.washington.edu/admissions-procedures 招生电话:(206) 221-3280 招生邮箱:ecollier@uw.edu
  • 澳际QQ群:610247479
  • 澳际QQ群:445186879
  • 澳际QQ群:414525537