Applicants with higher education studyAn applicant must also comply with the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy.A: Pathway 1 (140cp): a. ACU’s Bachelor of Nutrition Science which includes completion of the ACU units NUTR404 Advanced Culinary Nutrition Science and NUTR405 Foods for Special Diets, AND one of the following: a grade point average (GPA) of at least 5.0 on the ACU 7 point scale; or evidence of relevant industry experience for at least one year post-Bachelor graduation orB: Pathway 2 (150cp): b. ACU’s Bachelor of Nutrition Science which includes completion of the ACU unit NUTR404 Advanced Culinary Nutrition Science AND one of the following: a grade point average (GPA) of at least 5.0 on the ACU 7 point scale; or evidence of relevant industry experience for at least one year post-Bachelor graduation orC: Pathway 3 (160cp) c. A Bachelor degree in Nutrition (or equivalent) which includes the equivalent of one full-time half year of study (4 study units or equivalent) in: Chemistry followed by Biochemistry; and Human Biology and Human Physiology; andFood and Human Nutrition Science, which must include foundation nutrition, nutrition through the lifespan, food science, and the role of diet in the development and management of chronic disease;a grade point average (GPA) of at least 5.0 on the ACU 7 point scale; orevidence of relevant industry experience for at least one year post-Bachelor graduation; orcompletion of ACU's Graduate Certificate in Culinary Nutrition Science with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 5.0 on the ACU 7 point scale.