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PhD in Transition Design


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  • 雅思成绩:
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Transcript: You must upload legible scanned or digitized copies of your transcripts to the online application system. In addition, you must contact the academic institutions you list on your application Personal Statement: Biographical Essay:This 2-4 page document should give the Doctoral Selection Committee a sense of who you are and why you are interested in, and appropriate for, a doctoral research degree in Transition Design. We are particularly interested in accounts of your level of design expertise. We want to understand how you think about and practice design, and the place of research in your work. You should indicate to us key figures and approaches in design history, thinking and practice that you have learned about or had experience with. You should also indicate any relevant teaching experience. We use this essay to evaluate your fit for the School in general, given that doctoral students are asked to teach in the areas of Communication Design, Environments Design, Product Design, Interaction Design, Service Design and Design for Social Innovation. Your biographical essay should refer back to projects in your Portfolio of Expertise and connect forward to your Research Topic Proposal in Transition Design. Other Documents: Portfolio of Work:Because this doctoral program involves less coursework in order to accelerate candidates to the research phase, accepted candidates will need to have demonstrated a high level of mastery of design and design studies. Applicants should submit a portfolio of selected design and design-related work (no more than 10 projects). The nature of the projects you select should be determined by your biographical essay and research topic proposal (explained below); choose projects that demonstrate your expertise in research-based designing in the areas that you are interested in furthering through doctoral research. Any design-related teaching experience should also be evidenced in the portfolio. Applicants should host their own digital portfolios and provide a web link in the application. This part of the application cannot be waived.Each portfolio piece should include:a clear description of what your specific role on the project was;a clear description of what expertise of yours is evidenced in the project;a clear description of the research/research process you undertook for the project;a clear description of any external validation of the project by peers, reviewers or users.Research Topic Proposal In 2-4 pages, describe 1 or 2 potential design research topics. These proposals are not binding – all candidates will develop more extensive research proposals that can vary markedly from their application proposals in the course of the first year of the program. The Research Topic Proposal is used by the Doctoral Selection Committee to determine: a candidate’s practical understanding of design research capacity of a candidate to undertake research in a topic area appropriate for their experience and expertise as demonstrated in the Biographical Essay and the Portfolio the fit between a candidate’s research interests and those of the School, faculty at CMU and potential advisors within the School’s international network Some guidelines for writing a Research Topic Proposal: While recognizing that all candidates will undertake a year of coursework in design research, the Doctoral Selection Committee is looking for evidence of an ability to: formulate a comprehensive research question that is not too broad in scope, but can sustain 3 years worth of investigation identify appropriate collections of precedents of design work that might inform the research identify appropriate bodies of literature that would frame the research speculate/outline appropriate research processes and even methods, including practice-based design research projects, for conducting that research list possible advisors on the faculty of the School of Design as well as those advisors external to School (within other departments at CMU or other institutions) discuss potential audiences for whom the research outcomes would be appropriate Biographical Essay: This 2-4 page document should give the Doctoral Selection Committee a sense of who you are and why you are interested in, and appropriate for, a doctoral research degree in Design. We are particularly interested in accounts of your level of design expertise. We want to understand how you think about and practice design, and the place of research in your work. You should indicate to us key figures and approaches in design history, thinking and practice that you have learned about or had experience with. You should also indicate any relevant teaching experience. We use this essay to evaluate your fit for the School in general, given that our focus is primarily Communication Design, Environments Design, Product Design, Interaction Design, Service Design and Design for Social Innovation. Your biographical essay should refer back to projects in your Portfolio of Expertise and connect forward to your Research Topic Proposal.
学位要求:Bachelor/Master 专业要求:The degree must be in one or more of the School of Design's areas of focus: Communication Design, Product Design, Environments (design for physical/digital spaces/IoT), Design for Interactions, Design for Service or Design for Social Innovation. 申请链接:https://design.cmu.edu/content/phd 招生电话:412.268.5399 招生邮箱:krieg@andrew.cmu.edu 邮寄地址:Graduate Program Coordinator,School of Design, MM 110,Carnegie Mellon University,5000 Forbes Avenue,Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA
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