One official copy of your transcripts should be sent directly from the registrars of the academic institutions you have attended (beyond secondary school or community college), or you may request official copies and send them yourself to the academic department to which you are applying. Please note that submitted records become the property of the University and cannot be returned.
Curriculum Vitae:
Submission of a CV is encouraged but not required.
Personal Statement:
You are required to submit a Statement of Purpose describing your motivation for graduate training, your academic preparation, research experience, career goals, and other important experiences that have shaped your academic career and prepared you for graduate school. Statements are typically about 2 pages. You should describe your research interests in the context of the Home Area to which you are applying and other Home Areas relevant to your interests. You may also describe how your interests intersect with faculty members affiliated with these Home Areas.
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation must be submitted through the online application and received by the application deadline. You will enter the contact information for each recommender in the online application and indicate whether you waive your right to review the recommendation. You may submit a fourth recommendation, but it is not required.
The system will contact recommenders with instructions for uploading letters. Notification emails can be sent prior to submitting your application. We strongly suggest that you discuss your request for a letter with each recommender before the system contacts them. Make sure to communicate the deadline, how the letter will be solicited, and, if not waived, discuss your right to review the recommendation.
Personal History Statement:
This 8000 character-limit statement is separate from the Statement of Purpose and serves to provide additional information about your background, accomplishments and life experience. You will be asked to describe how your background, accomplishments, and life experiences led to your decision to pursue the graduate degree in the Home Area for which you are applying. Include any educational, personal, cultural, economic, or social experiences, challenges or opportunities relevant to your academic journey. In addition, please describe any aspects of your personal background, accomplishments, or achievements that will allow the department to evaluate your contributions to the University's diversity mission. Contributions to diversity and equal opportunity can take a variety of forms, such as efforts to advance equitable access to education, public service, that addresses the need of a diverse population, or research that explores inequalities.
Note: if you are having difficulty locating the Personal History Statement within the application, please upload it as a PDF or Word document in the Supplemental Documents section.
招生电话:(310) 206-6086
邮寄地址:UCLA Cell and Developmental Biology, 611 Charles E. Young Drive East, Box 951570, 172 Boyer, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1570