Transcript(s) of any and all previous university or college work are required.Applicants must upload a copy of all post-secondary transcripts to their application. These transcripts will be used as working copies during the admissions evaluation process. Failure to list all schools previously attended or making false or misleading statements on the application may result in cancellation of admission status and/or loss of credit.Official English translations must be provided if the transcripts are only in the native language.Before starting classes at the University of Utah, students must submit official copies of their transcripts and diploma(s) directly to the Office of Admissions.Official printed transcripts can be dropped off in a closed envelope sealed with adhesive at the International Admissions service window in the Student Services Building (SSB) or mailed to:(
Curriculum Vitae:
A short resume or curriculum vita is required.
Personal Statement:
A thousand-word statement of your personal and professional goals
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation are required.
专业要求:Not just in the humanities, but also in the sciences and social sciences
招生电话:(801) 587-6156
邮寄地址:The University of Utah, International Admissions, 201 South 1460 East, Room 250s, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA