Official Transcripts should be sent to ASU Graduate Education - Admissions.
Curriculum Vitae:
Vitae: A CV that outlines educational background, relevant work experience, honors and publications.
Personal Statement:
A well considered, one to two-page, single spaced statement of purpose in which candidates explain how their experience and training—either in school, out of school, or both—have prepared them for the program. Candidates should indicate their career goals and explain how these goals relate to our graduate program in linguistics and applied linguistics.
Recommendation Letter:
At least three letters of recommendation from professors familiar with the applicant's academic performance.
Sample of scholarly work:
Applicants should submit a critical paper or research paper prepared in a recent course.
专业要求:Given the interdisciplinary nature of work in linguistics, faculty will consider applicants with bachelor's or master's degrees in fields such as anthropology, applied linguistics, cognitive science, communication, comparative languages and literatures, English literature, education, history, law, linguistics, modern languages, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, rhetoric, composition, sociology and speech and hearing science.