Have official transcripts sent from all post-secondary institutions (to both UF and to the College of Journalism and Communications). Transcripts should be sent as hard copies. If you are an international student,please send one transcript in your native language and one transcript translated to English.
Curriculum Vitae:
Curriculum Vita (CV): List all work positions held. Include names, addresses, and telephone numbers of supervisors. Also, remember to include your name, email address, mailing address, and telephone number(s).
Personal Statement:
You will need to submit your statement of goals during the online application process or send directly to Address #2 or as a pdf file to Sarah G. Lee at . If you submitted your statement of goals on the online application, you do not have to send a hardcopy. Title this document “Statement of Goals” and be sure to include your name and date. Please do not center text. Describe your career plans following completion of your doctoral degree. Tell us what experiences have led to your goals, and how you think graduate study will help you prepare for the career. Please address the following questions.
In one or two sentences, please state your short-term and long-term career objectives. How have your prior professional, academic and personal experiences influenced your career plans? Specifically, how will your participation in this doctoral program contribute to your career objectives.
What unique personal qualities or life experiences distinguish you from other applicants?
Why are you interested in this program? How will it help you achieve your goals?
What subjects are you interested in teaching? What, if any, prior teaching experience do you have?
As specifically as you can, please discuss your research focus. In addition, which faculty member(s) do you feel closely align with your area of research interest?
Recommendation Letter:
Three Letters of Recommendations – University forms are required (Download form). Written letters should be on letterhead and attached to the forms. The same letters of recommendation may be used for both admission and financial aid applications. Ask authors of your letters of recommendation to send them directly to Address #2 or send as a pdf file to . If you submitted your recommenders’ e-mail addresses on the online application, they do not have to send hardcopies.
招生电话:(352) 392-1124
邮寄地址:University of Florida , Office of Admissions , 201 Criser Hall , Gainesville, FL , 32611-4000