专业要求:To apply to the IDE program, an undergraduate economics major, while preferred, is not absolutely necessary. However, as the IDE Program is purely a master’s in economics, we take people with exceptional analytical and economics backgrounds. Therefore we accept students who have taken microeconomics, econometrics, and macroeconomics. Additionally they have taken courses in multivariate calculus, probability and statistics, and we give preference to people who have had linear (matrix) algebra.
课程要求:It is strongly suggested that prospective students take Microeconomics, with an analytical perspective if possible, then Econometrics, then Macroeconomics. We admit students who have courses in multivariate calculus, probability and statistics. We give preference to people who have had linear (matrix) algebra.
招生电话: (203) 432-3610
邮寄地址:International and Development Economics Program, Yale University, P.O. Box 208269, New Haven, CT 06520-8269