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PhD in Social Work


  • 全日制学制:
  • 专业方向:
  • 非全日制:
  • 学位名称:
  • 学位类型:
  • 学位等级:
  • 专业简称:
  • 开学时间:
  • 减免学分:
  • 开学时间:
  • 申请截止时间:
  • offer发放时间:
  • offer发放截止时间:
  • 申请费用:
  • 学费:
  • 书本费:
  • 生活费:
  • 交通费:
  • 住宿费用:
  • 其他费用:
  • 总花费:
Transcript: If you are pursuing or have earned degrees from universities in China, the Office of Admissions requires you submit not only transcripts and graduation certificates from China, but also obtain verification of these documents from the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC). Michigan State University requires these documents in the original language (Chinese) as well as an official English translation. All documents should be sent to: Graduate Programs School of Social Work 655 Auditorium Road Baker Hall Room 239 East Lansing, MI 48824 Curriculum Vitae: You must submit a current CV or résumé. The CV should be saved as a PDF document and uploaded to your application. Log in to your admissions portal and in the right-hand corner of the page put in your applicant ID (this is emailed to you once you have submitted your application) along with your password. Under “Control Panel” click on “Files Upload” Upload your CV Personal Statement: We are interested in gaining a better understanding of your relevant background, your interest in the PhD program at MSU, and your particular research focus. Please write an essay in which you address the following questions: What life events or circumstances have influenced your career trajectory? If you have had to overcome any challenges, please address those. What education and professional experiences have prepared you for pursuing a PhD? Please focus particular attention on experiences that have involved research. What are your current research interests? What are your career goals and how would obtaining a PhD in social work help you realize those goals? What leadership qualities do you possess? The School of Social Work faculty are conducting research in a wide variety of areas: Are there particular faculty members with whom you would like to work? You are expected to organize your personal statement as a cohesive essay, rather than a list of discrete answers to the questions posed. In other words, you should use the questions to guide your personal statement, but organize it like an essay or paper. The personal statement is a critical part of the application: We will assess your ability to address the questions, as well as your writing skills, research aptitude, and fit with our PhD program. Your statement should be double-spaced, and 3-5 pages long. The personal statement should be saved as a PDF document and uploaded to your application. Log in to your admissions portal and in the right-hand corner of the page put in your applicant ID (this is emailed to you once you have submitted your application) along with your password. Under “Control Panel” click on “Files Upload” Upload your personal statement Recommendation Letter: We require three (3) letters of recommendation from people who can evaluate you academically and/or professionally, such as former professors and work/practicum supervisors. Do not use personal or family acquaintances, friends, relatives, therapists, ministers, or religious leaders. Please click here review the information requested from your recommenders. Once you have identified your recommenders, they will be emailed and asked to electronically submit their letter to us. To enter the names and contact information of your recommenders: Log in to your admissions portal and in the right-hand corner of the page put in your applicant ID (this is emailed to you once you have submitted your application) along with your password. Under “Control Panel” click on “Letters of Recommendation” Please enter the names and contact information for each recommender PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to accept hard copies of recommendation letters. Examples of Scholarly Work: Applicants are required to submit two (2) examples of scholarly work as part of the application. These may include publications, papers completed when you were a student, research reports, or presentations. Ideally, these examples will highlight your writing ability for the admissions committee. The two scholarly works should be saved as PDF documents and uploaded to your application. Log in to your admissions portal and in the right-hand corner of the page put in your applicant ID (this is emailed to you once you have submitted your application) along with your password. Under “Control Panel” click on “Files Upload” Upload your two examples of scholarly work
学位要求:Master 专业要求:Social Work 申请链接:https://socialwork.msu.edu/Programs/PhD/Admissions 招生电话:517-353-8622 招生邮箱:socialwork@ssc.msu.edu 邮寄地址:Graduate Programs, School of Social Work, 655 Auditorium Road, Baker Hall Room 239, East Lansing, MI 48824
  • 澳际QQ群:610247479
  • 澳际QQ群:445186879
  • 澳际QQ群:414525537