


2017/04/06 13:43:12 编辑: 新西兰 浏览次数:414 移动端




  Hon Steve Maharey

  Hon Steve Maharey CNZM, BA, MA (Hons)

  Steve Maharey has been the Vice-Chancellor of Massey University since 2008. Bore then he was the fourth-ranked Minister in Government for nine years holding the positions of Minister of Education, Minister Responsible for the Education Review Office and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, Minister of Research, Science and Technology, Minister Responsible for Crown Research Institutes, Minister of Broadcasting, Minister Responsible for Television New Zealand, Chair of the Cabinet Social Development Committee and Member of Parliament for Palmerston North for 18 years from 1990.

  He studied at Massey and was a junior lecturer in business administration and a senior lecturer in sociology, as well as being a Palmerston North city councillor prior to entering Parliament. His teaching and publications helped influence the development of New Zealand sociology and formation of the fields of cultural studies and media studies in New Zealand. His academic interests include social policy (particularly social development), education, media and cultural studies, social change and politics.

  He is currently working on the public domain and its importance in the 21st century.

  He is currently on the Board of the Wellington Employers Chamber of Commerce, the Committee for Auckland, the Territorial Force Employers Support Council, and the Board of the Manawatu Cancer Society. He is Patron of the Australasian Association for Tertiary Education Management and the Manawatu Squash Association.

  He was appointed a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM) in 2008.

  He has extensive experience in all forms of media. He is a frequently invited speaker and contributor to the media.


  Steve Maharey是梅西大学的校长。在这之前,他曾连续9年在教育职能部门工作,担任过包括教育部长,广播电视部长等。

  在从事政府部门工作之前,Steve Maharey还曾担任过社会学的高级讲师,以及更早时候担任过商业管理学科的初级讲师。他在学术成就给新西兰的社会学和文化研究、传媒研究等领域都带来过积极的影响。

  Steve Maharey目前主要投身于公共土地的相关工作,并同时肩负众多社会团体的工作,包括惠灵顿雇主工商会等等。

  由于 Steve Maharey在传媒领域的杰出作为,他还经常被邀请成为媒体发言人一职。





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