

2012-2015多伦多大学学费 视觉研究-觉文化和交流专业

2017/04/05 16:42:53 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:201 移动端

是一所位于多伦多的公立大学。该大学建立于1827年,是一所世界级的高等学府。该大学有3个校区,300类大学本科专业,32座图书馆。接下来将为大家详细介绍2012-2015多伦多大学学费 视觉研究-觉文化和交流专业,供大家参考!



Visual Studies - Visual Culture and Communication (UTM) (International Fees)

The fee schedule for 2013-14 as outlined below was approved by Governing Council at its meeting on April 9th, 2013.

For the purposes of tuition, the academic year starts on May 1st and ends on the following April 30th.

For students from cohorts not explicitly rerred to in the table below and for information regarding tuition fees in future years, please rer to the University's Fee Level Commitment for Continuing Students.


下文中为您列出由多伦多大学理事会于2013年4月9日批准的多伦多大学2013 2014年度的学费一览表。

下表中列出了2014 2015年度初步的计划学费标准,也是由学校理事会于2014年春季最终回顾和批准的的。



1) Students entering these programs pay the Arts Science tuition fee in Year 1. They begin to pay the program fee in Year 2.

4) For the 2012 Cohort, the tuition fee for students in Yr 2 of the CSC/Visual Studies/Bioinformatics programs in 2013-14 will be $31,402, which represents a 12.97% increase (10% plus $825) over the 2012-13 Yr 2 fee of $27,797.

5) For the 2013 Cohort, the tuition fee for students in Yr 2 of the CSC/Visual Studies/Bioinformatics programs in 2014-15 will be $34,542, which represents a 10% increase over the 2013-14 Yr 2 fee of $31,402.

10) For the 2010 and 2011 Cohorts, tuition fees will increase by 5% relative to the previous year.

11) For the 2013 Cohorts, tuition fees for students in Year 1 will increase by 12.9% (10% plus the $825 of international recoveries).


4)2012年同批入学的学生,2013 2014年度学习加拿大课程/视觉研究/生物信息学课程第二年课程的学生将需要支付31402加元,这比2012 2013年度的27797加元上涨了12.97%(10%另外825加元)

5)2013年同批入学的学生,2014 2015年度学习加拿大证券课程/视觉研究/生物信息学课程第二年课程的学生将需要支付34542加元,这比2013 2014年度的31402加元上涨了10%。





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