


2017/08/13 17:26:34 编辑: 意大利 浏览次数:935 移动端

  Germany has called for calm in the wake of the Italian rerendum, claiming the result is 'no reason to talk of an EU crisis'.


  Europe was rocked last night after a populist surge against Brussels saw the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi swept from power.


  Renzi had called a rerendum on constitutional rorms, which became a vote on confidence in his government. But the move backfired and he resigned shortly after exit polls indicated a clear deat, saying: 'I accept all responsibility for this loss.'


  This afternoon, markets across Europe were making gains as investors brushed aside concerns over the resignation. The euro had hit a 20-month low earlier against the dollar, but it has since recovered and is now trading higher.


  The result in Italy is a further landmark victory for populist movements, following Britain's vote for Brexit and Donald Trump's election win in the US.


  The prospects of an Italian vote on leaving the single currency – and by extension the EU itself – now draw closer.


  German chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman said the German leader 'took note with regret' of the resignation while her finance minister called for a calm response adding that there's no basis to talk of it triggering a 'euro crisis.'


  French Finance Minister Michel Sapin insisted that the Italian rerendum 'is a question of internal politics. The rerendum wasn’t about Europe.'


  EU finance commissioner Pierre Moscovici played down the impact of the result on the euro and European unity, adding: 'I’m very confident in the capacity of the euro zone to resist all kind of shocks.'


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