


2015/06/05 11:52:05 编辑: 澳洲 浏览次数:750 移动端

  澳际教育快讯 作为最早接受中国高考成绩的澳洲大学之一,西悉尼大学一直欢迎优秀学生凭高考成绩直接报读本科大一课程。对于雅思总分取得5.5分或以上报读西悉尼大学的学生,将有10分至30分的额外加分。(立即咨询

  澳际留学专家介绍,在今年4月刚公布的Times Higher Education 2015世界新生代大学(校龄50年以下) 排名中,西悉尼大学排名56,比2014年进步了31位!在2015年QS全球学科领域排名当中,西悉尼大学的多个学科排名世界前300!


  Category A立即咨询

  ·Bachelor of Business and Commerce (all majors)  

  ·Bachelor of Construction Management

  ·Bachelor of Design and Technology

  ·Bachelor of Engineering Science

  ·Bachelor of Housing

  ·Bachelor of Industrial Design

  ·Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology

  ·Bachelor of Information Systems

  ·Bachelor of Arts (all majors except Interpreting & Translation)

  ·Bachelor of Communication (all majors)

  ·Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)

  ·Bachelor of International Studies

  ·Bachelor of Nursing

  ·Bachelor of Health Science (all key programs except Paramedicine)

  ·Bachelor of Natural Science (Environment Management)

  ·Bachelor of Science

  ·Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Food Sciences)

  Category B立即咨询

  ·Bachelor of Engineering (all key programs)

  ·Bachelor of Computer Science (all majors)

  ·Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)

  ·Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)

  ·Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)

  ·Bachelor of Science - Pathway to Teaching (Secondary)

  ·Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting & Translation)

  ·Bachelor of Medical Science (all majors)

  ·Bachelor of Natural Science(Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security)

  ·Bachelor of Community Welfare

  ·Bachelor of Policing

  ·Bachelor of Psychology

  ·Bachelor of Social Science (all majors)

  ·Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)

  ·Bachelor of Social Science (Pathway to Master of Urban Management and Planning)

  ·Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice

  ·Bachelor of Criminology

  ·Bachelor of Social Work

  ·Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine)

  ·Bachelor of Tourism Management

  Category C立即咨询

  ·Diploma of Arts

  ·Diploma of Business and Commerce

  ·Diploma of Construction Management

  ·Diploma of Engineering

  ·Diploma of Health Science

  ·Diploma of Information and Communications Technology

  ·Diploma of Science

  ·Diploma of Social Science

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