


2013/01/08 09:27:42 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:545 移动端

  舞台管理专业(Stage Management),类似的专业包括剧场管理(Theater Management),在国内较知名的艺术类院校里一般都有设置,或设置在舞台美术系之下,或设置在艺术管理系之下。该类院校包括:中央戏剧学院、中国音乐学院以及上海戏剧学院等等。


  1、University of California, San Diego 加州大学圣地亚哥分校

  该校的Stage Management设置在Theatre and Dance之下,Degrees:MFA,Deadline:12月11日

  Basic Admissions Information

  For specific admissions requirements, contact the department using the information above.

  Admissions TermFall quarter admission only.

  GREGRE general test required for Playwrights and Ph.D's only.

  GRE Subject TestGRE subject test not required.

  TOEFL or IELTS ExamThe Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is required for international applicants whose native language is not English and who have not studied full-time for one uninterruped year at a university-level institution in a country where English is the official language.

  Letters of Recommendation3

  Statement of Purpose RequirementsPrers the online Statement of Purpose

  2500 word limit

  Specific Program RequirementsInformation Form required: Your application will NOT be considered unless a department pre-application has been completed; go to the following department link: http://theatre.ucsd.edu/academics/gradAdmissions/informationForm/

  Audition and/or interview required.

  2、Florida State University (FSU) 佛罗里达州立大学

  该校的戏剧学院School of Theatre教育系统非常齐全,MFA分别有下列主修,另外学校还有PhD的课程。

  · Acting (MFA) 表演.专门训练专业演员

  · Costume Design (MFA) 戏剧化妆 与服装

  · Directing (MFA) 导演

  · Lighting Design (MFA) 灯光设计(特别)

  · Scenic Design (MFA) 舞台设计

  · Technical Production (MFA) 剧场技术

  · Theatre Management (MFA) 剧场管理(详细信息)三年制

  Theatre Management录取要求:





  3、California State University-Long Beach 加州州立大学长滩分校–CSULB

  1949年建立,是美国人梦寐以求的Beach and Party School!校区很大,有三百多亩,据说是加州州立大学之中最大的一所,长滩市是南加州不可不去的观光景点(据说大家都去观光…海军基地)

  该校最有名的艺术科系毕业的校友是赫赫有名,全世界人都知道的史帝芬斯皮尔伯格Steven Spielberg,不过他…1968年之后,念完大三,就人不见了(其实是因为拍了一部片Amblin,被电影公司挖走了)…直到2002年他才又回去学校,把大四念完,他在加大长滩分校刚开始其实是很坎坷的,因为他是被传统的电影学校拒绝之后(数据上没有说哪一家,不过有可能是CalArt或是SFAI…嘻),就跑到加大长滩去…主修居然是English,资料上说,他有一天跳上了一台去好莱坞电影公司参观的车,后来他常常不情自请就去参观人家电影公司,等到他把24分钟Amblin拍完之后,他就被公司签了下来,而且这部片还得了很多电影奖呢!后来他55岁回到学校去,主修就改成Film and Electronic Art,毕业的时候很多媒体都有报导,替这个系打了不少免费广告呢!

  加大长滩分校的艺术学院简称为COTA 领域分为:

  1. ART艺术
  艺术系提供有MA和MFA两种学位; MA的主修分别有Art Education, Art History, 再加上创作艺术类的主修:Ceramics, Drawing & Painting, Fiber, Graphic Design, Illustration, Metals, Photography/ Digital, Printmaking, Sculpture/ Intermedia, and Wood. MA要念完, 至少要修30-33个学分, 依主修有所不同

  MFA主修, 没有艺术教育和艺术史, 都是在创作艺术类下面, 共11种:Ceramics, Drawing & Painting, Fiber, Graphic Design, Illustration, Metals, Photography/ Digital, Printmaking, Sculpture/ Intermedia, and Wood. 要念完MFA的话, 要修满60学分

  2. DANCE舞蹈   
  3. DESIGN设计
  主要提供两种主修,分别是工业设计和室内设计,但是系上特别提醒,非本科系的申请者他们不鼓励喔!﹙直接建议你去再念一个大学学位),Core 77也有介绍,不过毕业生的portfolio还不是很多
  4. FILM AND ELECTRONIC ARTS影片和电子艺术(特别的,不过只有BA)
  5. MUSIC音乐

  MFA in Acting 演出

  MFA in Stage Design 舞台设计

  MFA in Theatre Management 剧场管理 录取方面要求学生要有相关专业背景,GPA达到3.0,同时要提供GMAT成绩。该专业同时提供MFA和MBA双学位,是戏剧系和商学院共同提供的课程,要修30个商业学分,项目时长一共是三年,包含两个暑假学期。

  申请费: $55


  托福: Paper:550 / CBT:213 / IBT:80

  4、Yale University 耶鲁大学


  戏剧学院 School of Drama


  (1) Acting表演 (M.F.A. and Certificate)须通过甄选: 校友:梅莉史翠普Meryl Streep、茱蒂佛斯特Judie Foster

  (2) Directing导演

  (3) Design剧场设计

  –Sound Design音效设计

  –Set Design舞台设计

  –Costume Design服装设计

  –Lighting Design灯光设计

  (4) Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism戏剧理论与评论–很特别,有提供博士学位

  (5) Playwriting剧本创作

  (6) Technical Design and Production技术设计与制作

  (7) Technical Direction技术指导

  –Production Management制作管理,

  –Stage Machinery Design and Automation舞台机械与自动控制,

  –Theater Planning and –Consulting剧场规划与咨询.

  –Technical Internship Program技术实习学程 (Internship Certificate)

  (8) Theater Management剧场艺术管理(M.F.A. and M.F.A./M.B.A)(需要GRE)


  (9) Stage Management舞台管理(需要GRE)




  Graphic Designers: $ 600 per term Computer Facilities and Digital Lab access/user fee

  Painters and Printmakers: $ 250 per term Printshop and Digital Lab access/user fee

  Photographers: $ 400 per term Darkroom and Digital Lab access/user fee

  Sculptors: $ 300 per term Woodshop/Welding/Computer facilities and Digital Lab access/user fee

  托福:IBT 100分以上, 如果大学是在全英语授课的四年制学校念的, 可免送托福成绩

  学费:2007-2008年耶鲁的年学费约为$25735左右(以戏剧学院为例), 学费页

  5、UNLV 内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校

  Stage Management,仅提供秋季入学,截止日期:2月1日,录取特别要求:材料审核通过之后需要面试。

  6、University of Alabama 阿拉巴马大学

  Theater Management入学要求,相关专业背景,GPA3.0以上,申请截止日期:1月1日

  Graduate Assistantships:Degree candidates in this program are awarded assistantships that provide a stipend of $1212 per month and full tuition.

  7、University of Iowa 爱荷华大学

  Production Assignments

  MFA Stage Management students must complete their production assignments to fulfill the program graduation requirements. Students are awarded stage management assignments that increase in complexity as they progress through the program. The specific number and progression of assignments will vary according to scheduling, availability, and student ability. Typical production assignments are as follows:

  First Year

  Assistant Stage Manager, Mainstage Production (Fall)

  Assistant Stage Manager, Mainstage Production (Spring)

  Stage Manager, Iowa New Play Festival

  Stage Manager, Gallery Production

  Second Year

  Stage Manager, Mainstage Production

  Stage Manager, Dance or Opera Production

  Stage Manager, Iowa New Play Festival

  Stage Manager, Gallery Production

  In the second year, a student may earn up to 1 hour of credit for work on a Mainstage production.

  Third Year

  Stage Manager, Mainstage Production

  Stage Manager, Dance or Opera Production

  Production Stage Manager or Stage Manager, Iowa New Play Festival

  Stage Manager, Gallery Production

  In the third year, a student may earn up to 2 hours of credit for work on a Mainstage production.

  录取方面,2008年9月份以后学生不用再提交GRE成绩,学生要提交两篇writing samples,而且要进行面试。

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