澳际留学网Brief Introduction about IETLS Speaking频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Brief Introduction about IETLS Speaking有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Brief Introduction about IETLS Speaking相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:make no bones about. Bone是骨头的意思。Make no bones about就是不管是否会得罪别人,或是让别人感到尴尬,都直言不讳的意思。不过要记住,这里用的是复数bones。
英国留学问题都有哪些呢?-英国留学网, 1. Tell me about yourself.这个问题虽然看起来非常简单,但是细想一下你就会发现这个问题要重视起来。你可以用几句简单的话语就概括自己的一生吗?而且不要用“Im friendly”或者是“Im a good student”这种陈词滥调来
SAT写作的几个要点 from CB,It seems like everybody has a different opinion about how to do well on the SAT essay. Some people say you should write a strict five-paragraph essay, with an introduction, a conclusion, and three specific examples. Some people say you sho
英国留学生如何利用社交媒体找工作?-英国留学网, 用谷歌搜索你自己!这可能也是雇主做的第一件事。谷歌便利的Me on the Web功能,可以帮助你了解网上发布关于你的最新信息。接着你需要查看Facebook。确保你的隐私设置级别为高,你的个人简介和头像从职业角度是合适的。你还可以在“About
雅思口语语法错误四,形容词ing与ed的区别 你可能可以熟练的背出"ing是形容一件事或一种东西,ed是形容人"这一口诀,但是你敢肯定自己在作答中不会犯这种错误码?看以下及组形容词:interesting与interested;exciting与excited;surprising与surprised。什么叫形容人?基本上来讲,可能出现的情况无非以下两种:a. somebody + be动词 + 以ed结尾的形容词 + 介词 + something 如:I'm surprised about this piece of news. b. something make(s) somebody +
「加拿大留学」加拿大人和美国人怎么从口音分辨,虽说英语世界通用, 但本土化后的英语都带上了浓烈的“地方特色”。 英式英语跟美式英语虽然差不多, 但耳朵尖的小伙伴几句就能听出来, 谁是加拿大人谁是美国人,为嘛? “About”or“aboat”? 加拿大式英语最大的特点就是单词里“ou”的发音, 你比
对于大多数“烤鸭”来说,口语应该是永远的痛:千言万语憋在心中,就是不知道该怎么说出口。尤其到了part3的问答部分,几乎成了考官的个人solo。今天,我就来教大家如何打破尴尬,优雅从容地应对雅思口语part3。以下表达不仅能帮大家争取宝贵的思考时间,也能使大家的回答更自然。 1. Well, I have to say this is a tricky question. Let me think about it for a second. 这个问题有难度,让我想想。 当考官问到非常大的社会性话题,比如经济啦、文化啦、性别啦等等,就可以在脑子一片空白的时候先把这句话抛
Introduction Writing a good personal statement is an important part of any application to graduate or professional...
必修课选逃,选修课必逃-英国留学网, 那HOW ABOUT THE UK?首先,英国生可以翘课吗?虽然英国是一个民主国家,一个能把自己投票投出去的国家。但是,生是拿着Tier4签证去的,去年英国移民和签证管理局出台新出勤率规定:要求,无论是在英国读语言,预科以及其他学院大学课程的生出勤率必须达到1
Since creating Aaron's Kitchen, I have received a lot of suggestions from my colleagues about which foods I should present. I'd love to do this, but due to issues of availability, a lack of time (and a lack of skills), I'm afraid I can't make videos about it.
\"Tell me about yourself.\" \"What is your greatest weakness?”
SAT数学:三角形知识讲解(1),Triangles pop up all over the Math section. There are questions specifically about triangles, questions that ask about triangles inscribed in polygons and circles, and questions about triangles in coordinate geometry. Three Sides, Fo
GMAT《费费逻辑宝典》135题完全版详解,内容预览: 1. Although 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, only 20 percent knows enough about DNA. So apparently at least 80 percent of the population does not know enough about medical co
1.Berkeley for graduate fellowship Please provide a statement about your personal history and your intellectual d...
英国人评价最难说的十个词,Many have said that sorry is the hardest word but they'd be wrong, linguistically speaking at least.
essay的写法-在国外肯定用的到,1.) Critical Essay 2.) Literature Essay 3.) Descriptive Essay Literature Essay 1.) Introduction a. Introduction to the topic b. Thesis Statement c. Essay Outline 2.) Body Paragraph 1 a.
The most common topic--particularly if only one essay is required--is the first, "tell us about you " Since thi
申请美国Georgetown University的Essay范例9:passion,申请美国Georgetown University的Essay范例9:passion Write a brief essay, either autobiographical or creative, which you feel best describes you.
澳洲国立大学预科课程有些变化, 两学期的标准预科课程IETLS要求提高到6分单
Brief Introduction about IETLS Speaking and Samples for Part 1